Videos: Fall 2020 webinars

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Young Communists Speak: Why Join a Revolutionary Party?

Webinar · Dec. 17, 2020

Young people across the world face unprecedented challenges due the pandemic, the changing climate, and ultimately, the decay of the capitalist system. Unemployment, housing and food insecurity, police terror, forced migration, trillions in debt, and the subsequent trauma of this declining system have created the basis for a revolutionary generation.

Young people across the world are leading the fight to end capitalism and to build socialism. From the Black Lives Matter rebellions to struggles against austerity and empire, young people are looking more than ever towards building for revolution.

Younger members of WWP discuss the impact of these crises on young people and on the need to join a revolutionary, Marxist-Leninist party to organize to defeat capitalism. Interested in joining WWP? Check out


Build class solidarity with incarcerated workers

Webinar · Dec. 10, 2020

A live discussion with:
Nikki D. and Swift Justice of the Free Alabama Movement
Sophia Williams with Mobilization for Mumia
Kempis Ghani Songster of the Amistad Law Project
and Workers World Party comrades


Truth Above Tyranny: A Live Book Release and MOVE Press Conference

Book Release and Press Conference · Dec. 9, 2020

A Live Book Release and MOVE Press Conference Event
Wednesday Dec 9th, 2020 11-2pm
Philadelphia PA

Purchase Mumias Book; Murder Incorporated: Book 3 — Perfecting Tyranny at

All information at


National Day of Mourning — Live from Plymouth, MA

Nov. 26, 2020

Event organized by United American Indians of New England

Since 1970, Native Americans and their supporters have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, MA to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US “thanksgiving” holiday. Many Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.

Donate to UAINE:


Leslie Feinberg: “Remember me as a revolutionary communist”

Webinar · Nov. 19, 2020

November 15 marks the 6th anniversary of the death of comrade Leslie Feinberg, whose fighting spirit as a revolutionary communist transgender activist continues to inspire people in the US and around the world. Leslie’s pronouns were she/her and also ze/hir. In 2014 ze defined hirself as “as an anti-racist white, working-class, secular Jewish, transgender, lesbian, female, revolutionary communist.”

Leslie developed the first Marxist analysis of the origins of transgender oppression in “Transgender Warriors: Making History” (1997) and numerous writings. Ze was internationally recognized for this theoretical work, as well as hir activism for workers’ rights; lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer liberation; the rights of women, prisoners and people with disabilities; and against racism and imperialism. Leslie is the author of the groundbreaking novel, Stone Butch Blues.


Got Biden. What Now?

Webinar · Nov. 12, 2020

The 2020 presidential election seemed endless. It now seems to be over. Here’s what we know for sure:
Capitalism is failing. Millions of workers in the US are unemployed and many of their jobs are not coming back. A wave of evictions is on the horizon and we aren’t going to get another stimulus check anytime soon, if ever. Cops are out of control. The police are still killing Black and Brown youth with impunity. They still occupy oppressed communities and we know they were in the tank for Trump. Now they’re even angrier — and more dangerous. COVID-19 is spiking. Already 300,000 people are dead and we still don’t have a vaccine. With thousands of new cases every day, the US is entering the deadliest phase yet of the pandemic.
And we got Biden. So… what now?


Revolutionary Election Response

Webinar · Nov. 5, 2020

How should revolutionaries prepare for the outcome of this election? No matter who’s elected, what can really end the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of white supremacist and police terror, and the growing hunger and desperation of the working class? How can we use this crisis to build our movements in the streets, in our communities, and in workplaces to win what we need? How can we defend people’s democratic rights while deepening the struggle for systematic, revolutionary change?

Join Workers World Party and friends as we discuss these questions and more.


No Matter Who’s Elected, the Struggle Continues

Webinar · Oct. 29, 2020

How should revolutionaries prepare for the outcome of this election? No matter who’s elected, what can really end the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of white supremacist and police terror, and the growing hunger and desperation of the working class? How can we use this crisis to build our movements in the streets, in our communities, and in workplaces to win what we need? How can we defend people’s democratic rights while deepening the struggle for systematic, revolutionary change?

Join Workers World Party and friends as we discuss these questions and more.


Voter Suppression and COVID & their impact on disabled people

Webinar · Oct. 22, 2020

Join a discussion of the Disability Rights Caucus of Workers World Party. Speakers will focus on the lack of support for people with disabilities to be able to vote. Absentee and mail-in ballots are not accessible in 43 of the 50 states. Fewer voting places will be open due to COVID this year and we know that only 17% of all voting places were barrier free in the 2016 elections…


Youth Speak Out Against the Wars at Home and Abroad

Webinar by United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) · Oct. 17, 2020

The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) is excited to announce Youth Against Empire, a new formation of young anti-imperialist, anti-racist activists from member organizations and allies of the United National Antiwar Coalition.

Join Youth Against Empire for an online rally TODAY against U.S. wars of aggression abroad and increasing militarism at home, featuring speakers from: Anakbayan, Black Alliance for Peace, Colombian Progressives Miami, Courage Foundation, International Action Center, Minnesota Anti-War Committee, Pan African Community Action, POWIR (People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism), Resist US-Led War, Socialist Action, Students for a Democratic Society, Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar, Workers World Party.


WWP Debates Response: What’s Being Ignored?

Webinar · Oct. 8, 2020

A Conversation with Larry Holmes & Teresa Gutierrez
Hosted by Ezra Echo & Ted Kelly


The Election Crisis: How can the working class intervene?
A conversation with Larry Holmes

Webinar · Oct. 1, 2020

A conversation with Larry Holmes, First Secretary, Workers World Party
The political crisis in the ruling class that is playing itself out in the presidential election is not really about Trump, any more than it’s about saving democracy, decency and all the other stuff that Democratic Party leaders are shouting about.

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