
Black youth arrested by racist cops in Rochester, N.Y.

Police officers arrested three Black teens as they were standing outside a store in downtown Rochester, N.Y., on Nov. 27.…

December 11, 2013

Philly youth demand “Free Mumia, end education cuts & mass incarceration!’

While dozens of schools close, incarceration of youth of color continues to increase, and the Black youth unemployment rate jumps to around…

December 11, 2013

World’s youth condemn Ukranian neo-fascists

Editor’s note: Fascist elements from the Svoboda organizations have been playing an increasingly active role in a protest movement in…

December 10, 2013

As Egypt’s generals widen crackdown, new protest law stirs resistance

A military-appointed, 50-member committee approved a draft of amendments to the Egyptian constitution on Dec. 1. The draft was to…

December 6, 2013

Only revolution can win our freedom

Talk given at WWP conference by Eva Panjwani. In preparing my remarks today on the revolutionary potential of my generation,…

December 2, 2013

Youth have ‘no future in this system’

Talk given at WWP conference by Tachae Davis. Youth today are suffering at the hands of imperialism. As a youth…

December 2, 2013

A message for the brown kids

This is for the brown kids. This is for the free and reduced breakfast club. This is for my loudmouth…

December 2, 2013

Why build workers’ assemblies

Talk given at the WWP conference by Sharon Black. The new low-wage workers movement is really a movement in embryo…

December 2, 2013

Low-wage workers’ struggle shows what’s to come

  From a WWP Conference talk by Secretariat member Fred Goldstein. Six years after the crisis began and four years…

November 21, 2013

Young people say: ‘Fight back! Build people’s power’

By Andy Katz and Ben Carroll New York Young people from across the U.S. mobilized to attend the Workers World…

November 20, 2013