
Thousands march on CNN to denounce its Ferguson coverage

Atlanta -- The crowd had been organized by college and high school students. Estimated by the Atlanta police at 5,000,…

August 20, 2014

The blue plague

Justice for Michael Brown! The grim news that police have killed yet another unarmed African-American youth comes this time from…

August 13, 2014

Baltimore mayor chased off stage at curfew forum

Following the City Hall protest of the Baltimore chapter of “Fight Imperialism, Stand Together” against a new repressive youth curfew…

August 5, 2014

NY City Hall confrontation

New York City’s pro-Zionist politicians held a news conference July 14 to declare their solidarity with the Israeli onslaught against…

July 16, 2014

No deportations of migrant youth!

Refugee status for detained children NOW Activists put a sardonic but accurate twist on the Fourth of July so-called celebration.…

July 9, 2014

Mississippi after 50 years: The struggle keeps on . . .

Jackson, Miss. -- Freedom Summer changed the course of U.S. history in 1964, when more than 1,000 students and youth,…

July 3, 2014

‘What do we want? Transjustice!’

The 10th annual Trans Day of Action brought together hundreds of mainly transgender youth and young workers of color, along…

July 3, 2014

Set them free!

Migrant children jailed at border In response to the groundswell of news of thousands of migrant children ensnared by Homeland…

June 18, 2014

Jerome Jackson, warrior on wheels

Detroit -- Jerome Jackson, 58, an activist in the fight for social justice, died on May 11 after battling cancer.…

June 13, 2014

Baltimore FIST fights anti-youth law

The Baltimore chapter of Fight Imperialism/Stand Together took to the streets outside City Hall on June 2 to protest a…

June 12, 2014