Workers Assembly

Southern workers gather to build Workers Assembly movementSouthern workers gather to build Workers Assembly movement

Southern workers gather to build Workers Assembly movement

This article was originally published May 5 by the Southern Workers Assembly.  Go to for more on SWA organizing. Under…

May 20, 2022
SuperShuttle drivers versus VeoliaSuperShuttle drivers versus Veolia

SuperShuttle drivers versus Veolia

SuperShuttle drivers from Dulles and Reagan airports in the Washington, D.C., area and their supporters rallied on May 12 and…

May 18, 2014
SuperShuttle workers protest Veolia’s low wagesSuperShuttle workers protest Veolia’s low wages

SuperShuttle workers protest Veolia’s low wages

Baltimore — One after another, the mostly West African immigrant SuperShuttle workers poured out their grievances in front of the…

January 31, 2014
Walmart workers jolt NLRBWalmart workers jolt NLRB

Walmart workers jolt NLRB

The National Labor Relations Board on Jan. 15 issued its broadest complaint yet against major transnational corporation Walmart for violating…

January 24, 2014
‘Caravan for Justice’ supports SuperShuttle drivers‘Caravan for Justice’ supports SuperShuttle drivers

‘Caravan for Justice’ supports SuperShuttle drivers

Baltimore — Despite a massive show of airport police, who ejected them from the SuperShuttle holding lot, 35 decorated cars…

January 2, 2014
Southern Workers Assembly vs. Tea PartySouthern Workers Assembly vs. Tea Party

Southern Workers Assembly vs. Tea Party

From a 2013 WWP Conference talk by Ben C. While the Democratic National Convention was unfolding in Charlotte, N.C., during…

December 19, 2013

Baltimore workers assembly calls for nat’l day to raise workers’ wages

On Sept. 1, a cross section of workers, young and old, employed and unemployed, convened for a Workers’ Assembly in…

September 20, 2013