
Puerto Rican Day
Anti-imperialists march to end U.S. crimes

An Independence for Puerto Rico contingent marched two miles up Fifth Avenue in the 2022 National Puerto Rican Day Parade…

June 20, 2022

La Cumbre de las Américas de Biden está en graves problemas

30 de mayo – Las grandes expectativas de Biden de que la celebración de la Cumbre de las Américas este…

June 6, 2022

U.S. excludes Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua from Summit of the Americas − Will it boomerang?

Published May 5 in Cuba Debate. Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews and edited by WW. Holding the Summit of…

May 12, 2022

Venezuela: March commemorates 20th anniversary of defeat of anti-Chávez coup

By Ricardo Vaz Caracas April 13, ‒ Big crowds took to the streets of Caracas April 13, to mark…

April 18, 2022

Alex Saab case: Imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat contests extraterritorial judicial abuse

The following article was published April 11 in Dissident Voice. Roger D. Harris is with Task Force on the Americas.…

April 15, 2022

Venezuela’s mega-elections: Despite U.S. sanctions, COVID and economic crisis, Chavismo wins majority of states

By William Camacaro and Frederick Mills Caracas, Venezuela This slightly edited article first appeared on the Council on Hemispheric Affairs…

November 30, 2021

Alex Saab’s case–Legally, politically damaging to the U.S

The following is based on a statement on the case of diplomatic Special Envoy Alex Saab – kidnapped by the…

November 5, 2021

Miami defenders rally for release of twice-kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab

By Lauren Smith Bulletin: On Nov. 1 U.S. District Judge Robert Scola dropped all but one money laundering charge against…

November 1, 2021

Alex Saab: Diplomático secuestrado habla en la corte

La siguiente declaración fue hecha en un Tribunal Federal de los Estados Unidos en Miami, el 16 de octubre. La…

October 22, 2021

U.S. illegally extradites Venezuelan diplomat from Cabo Verde 

The Free Alex Saab Committee issued the following news release Oct. 18. For more see The Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab…

October 21, 2021