
In Venezuela, right-wing coup plotters begin a path of violence

Here are the steps of the coup d'état, from the appearance of the unknown Guaidó to the public irruption of…

January 24, 2019

En Venezuela, golpistas de derecha emprenden el camino de la violencia

Los pasos del golpe de Estado, desde la aparición del desconocido Guaidó a la irrupción pública del régimen de Trump…

January 24, 2019

Venezuela gov’t beats back attempted coup

Bulletin, Jan. 22 -- The Venezuelan Ministry of Defense announced today that the Bolivarian Armed Forces had repelled an attempted…

January 22, 2019

CUBA, VENEZUELA: Revolutionary leaders embraced at int’l rally

Sept. 26 — Miguel Díaz-Canel, the new president of Cuba, in town for the United Nations General Assembly, began his…

October 3, 2018

Long live Cuba! Long live Bolivarian Venezuela!

The best thing about the United Nations General Assembly’s annual fall meeting is that it often brings revolutionary leaders to…

September 25, 2018

New U.S. threat to Venezuela

A lot of words in the corporate media this week have been devoted to remembering Sept. 11, 2001. That attack…

September 17, 2018

Massive mobilizations support Maduro after drone attack in Venezuela

With massive demonstrations in Caracas and other cities on Aug. 6,   hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans showed their support for…

August 9, 2018

Behind the assassination attempt in Venezuela

Aug. 7 — An assassination attempt on Aug. 5 on the life of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro prompted headlines in…

August 6, 2018

Venezuela: Popular militia advances

In the face of economic sabotage, subversion, an abortive military coup and threats of open military intervention from U.S. imperialism…

July 27, 2018

Venezuelan Consulate celebrates independence

The Venezuelan Consulate in San Francisco held a ceremony in celebration of Venezuelan Independence Day on July 5 at the…

July 14, 2018