Union Square

People’s State of NationPeople’s State of Nation

People’s State of Nation

Philippines President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III delivered his last State of the Nation Address on July 27 at the joint…

August 9, 2015
‘Locked up, unheard’‘Locked up, unheard’

‘Locked up, unheard’

The New York Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement held a strong protest at Union Square on July 23. Led…

August 2, 2015

NYC SHOW your OUTRAGE TODAY over the murder and NO indictment of murderers of #ERICGARNER

NYC SHOW your OUTRAGE TODAY over the murder and NO indictment of murderers of #ERICGARNER   Peoples Power Assemblies is…

December 3, 2014
Ferguson ruling ignites prairie fire of protestFerguson ruling ignites prairie fire of protest

Ferguson ruling ignites prairie fire of protest

Solidarity and power of the people Nov. 26 — Fifty people were arrested last night in Boston for attempting to…

November 27, 2014
Vigils and demonstrations protest execution of Michael BrownVigils and demonstrations protest execution of Michael Brown

Vigils and demonstrations protest execution of Michael Brown

A national call was issued to hold vigils and demonstrations to demand justice for Michael Brown, the 18-year-old unarmed African…

August 15, 2014
Women, yes! Corporations, no!Women, yes! Corporations, no!

Women, yes! Corporations, no!

The International Working Women’s Day Coalition held an after-work protest in Union Square on June 30. The group denounced the…

July 3, 2014
Vigil for slain miners in TurkeyVigil for slain miners in Turkey

Vigil for slain miners in Turkey

More than 100 people, mostly from Turkey, gathered in New York City’s Union Square on May 17 to honor 301…

May 26, 2014
Voices of oppressed ring out in New York’s Union SquareVoices of oppressed ring out in New York’s Union Square

Voices of oppressed ring out in New York’s Union Square

Union Square, New York City — Since a migrant upsurge in 2006 revived May Day in the United States, Union…

May 7, 2014

Trabajadores/as de comida rápida demandan mejores salarios

29 de julio — ¡"No podemos sobrevivir con $7.25"! y ¿"Qué es escandaloso?  ¡Salarios de miseria"! gritaban cientos de huelguistas…

August 6, 2013
Fast-food workers demand ‘living wage’Fast-food workers demand ‘living wage’

Fast-food workers demand ‘living wage’

July 29 — “We can’t survive on $7.25!” and “What’s outrageous? Poverty wages!” chanted hundreds of striking fast-food workers and their supporters outside…

July 30, 2013