
Activists freed in Odessa; Peoples power declared

Hundreds of people stormed the police station in Odessa on May 4 and freed 67 anti-Kiev activists. They chanted, “Heroes!…

May 8, 2014

War Propaganda in Ukraine – The Big Lie and lots of little lies

The U.S. corporate media are in lock step lying and distorting the events in Ukraine. These are many little lies…

May 7, 2014

GUILTY: Washington, Kiev responsible for Odessa massacre

May 4 — Imagine a gathering of diverse activists in a medium-sized U.S. city, representing low-wage workers, communities mobilizing against…

May 6, 2014

UKRAINE: U.S. behind attacks on resistance

May 4 — U.S. imperialism has orchestrated and approved a new military offensive against the anti-Kiev resistance in towns and…

May 6, 2014

Stop U.S.-sponsored fascist terror in Ukraine!

May 4 — Workers World newspaper condemns the collaboration of the U.S. government with the fascist terror sweeping southeast Ukraine.…

May 4, 2014

Washington’s threats mount as U.S. position in Ukraine weakens

The Geneva statement signed by the U.S., EU, Russia and the Kiev puppet government on April 17 was meant by…

April 29, 2014

Ukraine: Anti-fascists resist U.S.-backed offensive

April 25 — Pushed and prodded by U.S. officials, the far-right coup regime in Kiev is now in the twelfth…

April 25, 2014

Ukrainian resistance holds firm against U.S.-EU takeover

April 18 — As of this writing, the maneuver by U.S. and European imperialism at the Geneva “reconciliation” talks to…

April 21, 2014

Greece sells bonds, workers suffer more

If workers in the Ukraine want to see what joining the EU and borrowing from the “troika” — the European…

April 19, 2014

Agreement announced in Ukraine after U.S.-Kiev offensive flops

April 17 — News arrived this afternoon from Geneva that Russia, the United States, the European Union and Ukraine’s coup…

April 18, 2014