
On elections in Donestsk and Lugansk

On Nov. 2, against the backdrop of the U.S. and NATO’s provocative “Iron Sword” war games in nearby Lithuania, residents…

November 16, 2014

New York protest says, ‘Odessa, Donbass, we are with you’

A sudden cold snap and whipping winds couldn’t keep fired-up activists from protesting at the U.S. military recruitment center in…

November 7, 2014

Class forces in the Ukrainian civil war

Simferopol, Crimea — Workers World has conducted an extensive interview with Victor Shapinov, a coordinator and leading theoretician of the…

November 7, 2014

Solidarity statements on Odessa massacre

Workers World is publishing excerpts from solidarity statements received by the International Action Center on the six-month anniversary of the…

November 7, 2014

Ukraine communists comment on elections in Donetsk and Lugansk

On Nov. 2, against the backdrop of the U.S. and NATO’s provocative “Iron Sword” war games in nearby Lithuania, residents…

November 7, 2014

Anti-fascist leader recounts Odessa resistance, May 2 massacre

Simferopol, Crimea -- Odessa Regional Council Deputy Alexei Albu, a member of the Union Borotba (Struggle) of Ukraine, was a…

October 31, 2014

The Ukraine junta’s fascist foot soldiers

Interview with Borotba leader Victor Shapinov, part 3 Simferopol, Crimea — On Sept. 22, Workers World conducted an extensive interview with…

October 31, 2014

Community-labor resolution: Stand with Odessa!

Workers World received this resolution, initiated by the International Action Center. Join Cynthia McKinney, Ramsey Clark, José María Sison, Cindy…

October 31, 2014

Anti-fascists massacred in Odessa to be remembered, honored

November 2 marks six months since the horrific massacre of at least 48 anti-fascist activists and trade unionists in Odessa,…

October 23, 2014

The left in Ukraine and the origins of Borotba

Interview with Borotba leader Victor Shapinov, Part 2 Simferopol, Crimea — On Sept. 22, Workers World conducted an extensive interview with Victor…

October 22, 2014