
‘European Union has full responsibility for Ukraine’s civil war’

Following is a mid-September interview with Vasilij Volga, chairperson of the Union of Leftist Forces, ex-member of parliament and former…

September 18, 2016

Take action: Ukraine must free kidnapped political prisoner Andrei Sokolov!

Statement of the Donbass organization Borotba, translated by WW contributing editor Greg Butterfield. June 15 marked two months since the…

June 19, 2016

Observadores internacionales visitarán Odessa

El 2 de mayo de 2014, por lo menos 48 antifascistas y sindicalistas fueron asesinados cuando los neonazis atacaron un…

May 3, 2016

International monitors to visit Odessa, Ukraine

On May 2, 2014, at least 48 anti-fascists and trade unionists were killed when neo-Nazis attacked a protest encampment in…

April 29, 2016

U.S. hidden war continues in Donbass

Ukrainian Army and paramilitary battalions on the night of April 17-18 attacked the northern and western outskirts of the capital…

April 21, 2016

French documentary exposes neo-Nazi role in Ukraine

For the first time, the role of fascist politicians and neo-Nazi gangs in the 2014 U.S.-backed coup in Kiev has…

February 11, 2016

Peace will come to Donbass only after overthrow of Kiev regime: Ghost militia woman

Workers World is publishing this Jan. 9 interview with Tatiana Rybalko conducted by Alexey Albu, a leader of the Marxist…

January 21, 2016

No to the ban on Communist Party of Ukraine! Hands off anti-fascists!

Workers World Party condemns the Dec. 16 Kiev District Administrative Court ruling banning the activities of the Communist Party of…

December 22, 2015

Class struggle rages in Donbass, Ukraine and Moldova

The following remarks were made by Greg Butterfield at the Workers World Party National Conference in New York City Nov.…

November 20, 2015

Ukraine junta in crisis: Behind the fascist riots in Kiev

At the end of August, long-simmering tensions within the motley coalition of wealthy oligarchs, pro-Western neoliberal politicians and outright fascists…

September 26, 2015