
Sanctions Kill event goes online in Philadelphia

Philadelphia The Sanctions Kill movement in Philadelphia is undeterred in its commitment to expose the truth about genocidal imperialist sanctions…

March 18, 2020

Sanctions Kill campaign March 14 webinar program

California Bay Area Even the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic could not keep the Sanctions Kill coalition from holding its March 14…

March 18, 2020

China calls for lifting of U.S. sanctions against Iran

Amid the fight against the coronavirus COVID-19, China called on March 16 for the immediate lifting of U.S. sanctions on…

March 17, 2020

Sanctions in Gaza

By Pippa Bartolotti The author, a former leader of the Green Party of Wales, writes on political and social issues.…

February 20, 2020

Sanctions Kill protests

Organized popular resistance has made it increasingly difficult for U.S. imperialism to impose its will around the world through military…

February 13, 2020

Sanctions Kill Campaign mobilizes for actions March 13-15

New York City Beginning in the fall of 2019, anti-war and progressive activists became increasingly concerned that the United States…

February 4, 2020

Actions planned to ‘Abolish sanctions!’

New York Organizers from New York-based anti-war, anti-racist and anti-imperialist organizations and defenders of human rights gathered at the Solidarity…

December 16, 2019

New York forum: ‘End sanctions on China & Zimbabwe!’

A Workers World Party forum on “Resisting Sanctions & U.S. Economic Warfare, from China to Zimbabwe” was held in New…

October 23, 2019

Sanctions kill

Over 30 countries are targeted with sanctions by the U.S., including China, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Sudan, Syria,…

August 4, 2019

Stop U.S. sanctions!

The gang that announces Washington’s policies has laid out a program of punishment, aimed at populations of countries on three…

April 25, 2019