Rynetta Bennett

Protest hits NYC Wendy’sProtest hits NYC Wendy’s

Protest hits NYC Wendy’s

A lunchtime protest in downtown Manhattan, N.Y., offered a strong show of support for former Wendy’s worker Rynetta Bennett, who…

February 21, 2014
Protest hits NYC Wendy’sProtest hits NYC Wendy’s

Protest hits NYC Wendy’s

A lunchtime protest in downtown Manhattan, N.Y., offered a strong show of support for former Wendy's worker Rynetta Bennett, who…

February 14, 2014
Protests demand Wendy’s rehire workerProtests demand Wendy’s rehire worker

Protests demand Wendy’s rehire worker

“We’re going to beat! back! The bosses’ attacks” was the chant of more than 35 people in front of the…

January 25, 2014