
Obama’s Alaska trip motivated by Big Oil and war threats

With great fanfare, while making an unprecedented presidential trip to Alaska on Aug. 31, President Barack Obama “renamed” the tallest…

September 3, 2015

Donbass residents rally as Kiev regime prepares new military assault

The rightist regime in Kiev, Ukraine, carried out overnight shelling of Donetsk city and threatened an imminent new military offensive…

August 25, 2015

Ukraine, Donbass and the New Cold War against Russia

From a talk by Greg Butterfield at a Workers World Party forum in Los Angeles, July 23, 2015. According to…

July 31, 2015

U.S.-NATO steps up military threats on Russia’s borders

Following a symbolic vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on June 10 to ban support for Ukraine’s fascist Azov…

July 7, 2015

Anti-fascists show solidarity with Charleston, S.C.

On June 30, an international group of anti-fascists held a flashmob in the Donetsk People's Republic against the Confederate flag…

June 30, 2015

German political leader says: ‘Fuck U.S. imperialism’

Oskar Lafontaine, former German finance minister and political leader of, first, the Social Democratic Party, and most recently the Left…

June 29, 2015

End war in Ukraine!

Washington backs bombing on Russian border June 8 -- Ukraine’s far-right government, backed by Washington, launched a new military offensive…

June 9, 2015

Mass protest confronts G7 summit

Like medieval lords plotting against an impending peasant revolt after a bad harvest, the heads of the seven most powerful…

June 9, 2015

Donbass protests demand justice for victims of U.S.-Ukraine war

With sorrow and rage, people in the Donbass region have ripped aside the veil of U.S. diplomatic maneuvering to reveal…

June 3, 2015

Stop Pentagon war moves against China!

The Pentagon in the third week of May sent a U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon surveillance plane near Fiery Cross Reef…

May 27, 2015