
¿Quién y cómo se fabrica una guerra?

Es casi natural que los países (especialmente las potencias porque tienen más facilidades para hacerlo), deseen solucionar sus problemas internos…

February 8, 2022

At Russia-Ukraine border

An ad-hoc coalition of anti-imperialist organizations located in the United States has published the following call for protests in the…

February 1, 2022

Capitalist Russia: a target, not a superpower

This article, originally published July 12, 2017, by Workers World, remains timely in January 2022 as the U.S. threatens war…

January 30, 2022

Which side are you on? U.S.-EU vs. Russia-China

Raposo, editor of, in which this article was published Jan. 26, refutes the conclusions of another article titled, “Putin…

January 30, 2022

Russia’s demands challenge NATO’s threats

Russian President Vladimir Putin at his End of the Year Press Conference, Dec. 23, 2021, speaking to 500 domestic and…

January 5, 2022

U.S./NATO threats heighten tension with Russia

Washington has threatened economic and diplomatic sanctions against Russia over the conflict with Ukraine and has raised the possibility of…

December 22, 2021

U.S. and its Nazi puppets in Ukraine threaten war with Russia

The following slightly edited commentary was first published in November by Workers Voice Socialist Movement of New Orleans. U.S. war…

December 3, 2021

U.S., Britain, NATO threaten Russia in Black Sea

June 27 — The Biden administration took extra steps to prove that President Joe Biden’s summit with Russian President Vladimir…

June 29, 2021

U.S. maneuvers threaten war with Russia

On April 9, the Turkish officials announced to Russian counterparts that Washington, as it must by treaty, had informed them…

April 16, 2021

U.S. calls Europe to arms against China, Russia

The author’s Art of War column published in the Italian web daily, Il Manifesto, March 9. Translation: John Catalinotto. The…

March 12, 2021