
Media hypocrisy in Gaza and Ukraine

Truth is the first casualty of imperialist war. The imperialist ruling class owns the corporate media. The government and the…

July 16, 2024

Does the European Union still exist?

This article was published on June 19, 2024, on, a web magazine edited by Raposo. Translation: John Catalinotto. The…

June 25, 2024

Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China

Anyone who thinks that the U.S. policy of continued arming and fully supporting the Israeli genocide is an accident or…

May 3, 2024

Bipartisan backing for genocide

The movement in the U.S. that has taken on the challenge of stopping the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide against Palestine has…

April 26, 2024

First drop of aid to Ukraine opens $60 billion pipeline

The Biden administration announced March 12 that it will rush a new $300 million military aid package to Ukraine.  U.S.…

March 27, 2024

Stop NATO moves into Ukraine

With the Ukrainian regime in Kiev apparently on the verge of collapse, some of the governments in the U.S.-led NATO…

March 19, 2024

Gen. Austin threatens war with Russia

The Biden administration faces two big problems regarding the war it provoked in Ukraine by expanding NATO to Russia’s border. …

March 4, 2024

Oppose the new Cold War on China by opposing every U.S. war

Based on a talk by Sara Flounders to a webinar held on Feb. 18, 2024, Peace Delegates Report Back from…

February 24, 2024

U.S-NATO war on Russia in Ukraine ends second year

On Feb. 16, the Kiev regime withdrew Ukraine’s army from the key town of Avdiivka in a precipitous, disorganized fashion.…

February 21, 2024

No to bigotry, no to war!

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued a ruling Nov. 30 that banned the “international LGBT public movement,” calling…

December 7, 2023