Rodney King

‘Marxism and insurrection’‘Marxism and insurrection’

‘Marxism and insurrection’

From Los Angeles to Baltimore We reprint here excerpts from the article “Marxism and insurrection” written on May 14, 1992,…

April 29, 2015

Operation restore trust?

Dec. 2 — The flames of Ferguson have eaten their fill, and its eerie glow has cast light on how…

December 12, 2014
In defense of the Ferguson rebellionIn defense of the Ferguson rebellion

In defense of the Ferguson rebellion

Talk given by Monica Moorehead at the 2014 National Conference of Workers World Party in New York City on Nov.…

November 21, 2014
Eric Garner & the capitalist stateEric Garner & the capitalist state

Eric Garner & the capitalist state

“The prevailing ideas [in society] are those of the ruling class,” said Karl Marx. Carried a step further, this stroke…

August 13, 2014