Puerto Rico

Report from Puerto Rico — Part 1: Organizing against earthquakes and austerity

On Jan. 8, WW reporter Phebe Eckfeldt interviewed Alberto Barreto Cardona, a leading member of Partido Mundo Obrero/Workers World Party.…

February 11, 2020

Puerto Ricans protest undistributed 2017 supplies unearthed by 2020 quakes

Still grappling with the aftermath of devastating earthquakes, Puerto Ricans reacted with protests when they learned Jan. 19 that massive…

January 29, 2020

Philadelphia: Stop denying disaster relief to Puerto Rico!

Demonstrators gathered in Philadelphia on Jan. 15 in front of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Mid-Atlantic Region,…

January 22, 2020

As earthquakes hit Puerto Rico, the people organize against “natural” and capitalist-made disaster

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the Caribbean on Jan. 7, with the southern coast of Puerto Rico its epicenter. Then…

January 12, 2020

Rally defends special education in Puerto Rico and U.S.

Austerity imposed on Puerto Rico's educational system by the unelected colonialist fiscal board was the target of a street rally…

December 28, 2019

In NYC, movement declares: Independence for Puerto Rico!

It is a fact that the oldest colony in the world is Puerto Rico. It stands to reason, therefore, that…

October 1, 2019

Puerto Rican people topple colonial puppets

The overwhelming power of the people in Puerto Rico has toppled the governorship of Ricardo Rosselló in just 12 days. …

August 14, 2019

Union resolution: End the Colonial Status of Puerto Rico!

The resolution below was adopted by the Pennsylvania Federation Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division of the International Brotherhood…

August 8, 2019

We demand the resignation of Pedro Pierluisi & the dictatorial fiscal control board

The following statement was issued by A Call to Action on Puerto Rico on Aug. 4. The organization can be…

August 6, 2019

Huelga de Puerto Rico: doce días sacuden al imperio

6 de agosto -- Después de la publicación de este artículo, el gobernador renunció, pero el pueblo permanece en las…

August 6, 2019