Postal Service

On the picket line

New labor regs speed up unionization process The National Labor Relations Board issued a new set of rules on Dec.…

December 28, 2014
As postal bosses meet in D.C., unions rally against downsizingAs postal bosses meet in D.C., unions rally against downsizing

As postal bosses meet in D.C., unions rally against downsizing

Officials at the headquarters of the U.S. Postal Service in Washington, D.C., kept an angry, overflow crowd in the lobby…

November 20, 2014
Protests in 50-plus cities say: ‘U.S. mail is not for sale’Protests in 50-plus cities say: ‘U.S. mail is not for sale’

Protests in 50-plus cities say: ‘U.S. mail is not for sale’

More than 50 protests were held in 27 states on the April 24 “National Day of Action Protest to ‘Stop…

May 1, 2014
Chicago postal protest previews April 24 ralliesChicago postal protest previews April 24 rallies

Chicago postal protest previews April 24 rallies

Chicago -- Over 700 postal and other workers walked a picket line in front of a Chicago area Staples store…

April 12, 2014

On the picket line

Unions unite to defend public postal service The four unions that together provide the service in the U.S. Postal Service…

March 21, 2014
Postal workers, supporters in D.C.: ‘Don’t let another life be taken’Postal workers, supporters in D.C.: ‘Don’t let another life be taken’

Postal workers, supporters in D.C.: ‘Don’t let another life be taken’

Washington, D.C. -- Letter carriers and community supporters assembled in the midst of hundreds of people at the recently dedicated…

January 24, 2014

‘Save the Bronx Post Office’ rally held

Bronx, N.Y. -- “The Postal Service is under siege” was how Chuck Zlatkin, political director of the NY Metro Area…

October 4, 2013
Activists protest postal service privatizationActivists protest postal service privatization

Activists protest postal service privatization

Members of Communities and Postal Workers United and Community- Labor United for Postal Jobs and Services attended the quadrennial AFL-CIO…

September 20, 2013
Activists honor post oActivists honor post o

Activists honor post o

A delegation from Community-Labor United for Postal Jobs and Services attended the national convention of Postal Office Women for Equal…

September 8, 2013

Save the people’s post office

Without question, the big-business class — and their agents in the U.S. Postal Service headquarters, the executive branch and Congress…

August 12, 2013