Poor People

Day 2: March arrives in D.C., sets new goals for struggleDay 2: March arrives in D.C., sets new goals for struggle

Day 2: March arrives in D.C., sets new goals for struggle

Washington, D.C. — The second day of the Poor People’s March for Jobs and Justice, May 12, began with excitement as…

May 12, 2013
Poor People‘s March for jobs, justicePoor People‘s March for jobs, justice

Poor People‘s March for jobs, justice

‘Ignite revolution Dr. King called for’ The following press statement was released by Witherspoon, president of the Baltimore chapter of…

May 7, 2013

Magic numbers can’t hide jobless crisis

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly report, the looming threat of “sequester” and austerity from both capitalist political parties, and…

April 10, 2013

Poor People’s March to revive Martin Luther King’s revolutionary heritage

Forty-five years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stunned the nation when he called for a poor people’s…

April 7, 2013