
Unions worldwide obstruct arms supplies to IsraelUnions worldwide obstruct arms supplies to Israel

Unions worldwide obstruct arms supplies to Israel

The author is a Belgian Marxist who writes for rebelion.org and investigaction.net. When Israel unleashed its ruthless war of revenge…

November 17, 2023
A hair’s breadth from escalation?A hair’s breadth from escalation?

A hair’s breadth from escalation?

During the day of Nov. 15 the world came close to a rapid escalation of the U.S.-NATO proxy war against…

November 21, 2022
Polish soldier deserts, charges army with killing migrantsPolish soldier deserts, charges army with killing migrants

Polish soldier deserts, charges army with killing migrants

Polish soldier Emil Czeczko, who was serving on the border under orders to prevent migrants from crossing from Belarus into…

January 3, 2022
U.S. missiles in Romania and Poland put Europe on the nuclear frontlineU.S. missiles in Romania and Poland put Europe on the nuclear frontline

U.S. missiles in Romania and Poland put Europe on the nuclear frontline

At a ribbon cutting ceremony at the airbase of Deveselu in Romania, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg inaugurated the "Aegis…

May 20, 2016
Fortress Europe killsFortress Europe kills

Fortress Europe kills

In an article in the Workers World of Aug. 15, Deirdre Griswold wrote of the migrants to Europe: “These refugees…

August 22, 2015
Workers in Germany challenge AmazonWorkers in Germany challenge Amazon

Workers in Germany challenge Amazon

The Christmas spirit doesn’t suspend the class struggle. German workers and their union, Ver.di, want a higher minimum wage and…

January 11, 2015

Protests begin at NATO Summit

Thousands of anti-war marchers descended on Newport, Wales, on Aug. 30 for the beginning of a week of protests against…

September 2, 2014

Ukraine: Anti-fascists resist U.S.-backed offensive

April 25 — Pushed and prodded by U.S. officials, the far-right coup regime in Kiev is now in the twelfth…

April 25, 2014