
Philadelphia youth react when charges dropped against killer cop

Reminiscent of the mass reaction in the aftermath of the George Floyd lynching in May 2020, angry youth reacted in…

September 27, 2023

Historic Palestine Writes Festival triumphs over opposition

Philadelphia The resistance aroused by a Zionist assault on the Palestine Writes Festival this Sept. 22-24 weekend at the University…

September 25, 2023

‘Filadelfia es una ciudad trans – Madres por el fascismo no son bienvenidas aquí’

Filadelfia En múltiples manifestaciones y acciones de solidaridad a lo largo de la convención de cuatro días de Moms for…

July 10, 2023

Philadelphia: Drug crisis in Kensington calls for reparations

Philadelphia From around the East Coast, a flock of drug users gather in the Kensington section of Philadelphia. From as…

July 10, 2023

Philly is a trans city
‘Moms for fascism not welcome here’

Philadelphia In multiple demonstrations and solidarity actions throughout Moms for Liberty’s four-day convention in Philadelphia, thousands turned out to tell…

July 5, 2023

Anti-fascist Pride demo denounces ‘Moms for Liberty’

Philadelphia An anti-fascist Pride event was held outside the Marriott hotel in downtown Philadelphia June 2, to tell the fascist…

June 7, 2023

Celebrating Pride Philly style

Pride Month kicked off in Philadelphia with a massive march of thousands of people from Washington Park at 6th and…

June 6, 2023

On the picket line

UAW strike in Ohio Workers at the Clarios auto battery manufacturing plant in Holland, Ohio, went on strike May 10.…

May 26, 2023

Community leaders, petitioners, fashionistas agree: “No Arena in Chinatown!’

Philadelphia Piled in front of a Philadelphia City Hall entrance April 27, were 18 boxes filled with 15,000 petitions and…

May 4, 2023

School district targets queer youth

Queer youth need support and love, but this was denied by Pennsylvania’s Central Bucks School District when it passed Policy…

February 11, 2023