
Writers support author Kamila Shamsie, denied book prize for defending Palestine

Hundreds of authors have publicly denounced the revocation of a German literary prize, the Nelly Sachs Award for Literature, from…

September 26, 2019

En defensa de Palestina

La cuestión de la Palestina ocupada volvió a ocupar un lugar central en la prensa mundial cuando dos mujeres miembros…

August 27, 2019

In defense of Palestine

The issue of occupied Palestine once again took center stage in the world press when two women members of the…

August 21, 2019

Jewish activists support Congressperson Tlaib

About 60 members of Metro Detroit’s Jewish community held a rally and Shabbat service Aug. 16 to support their congressperson,…

August 21, 2019

ESTADO ESPAÑOL: Plataforma de apoyo a Nines y Palestina

Una lucha importante en el estado español. Firma el manifiesto contra la criminalización de la solidaridad con el pueblo palestino.…

August 1, 2019

Workers World Party solidarity with Palestine on Al Quds Day

Hundreds rallied in New York City’s Times Square May 31 to mark International Day of Al-Quds, Arabic for Jerusalem. Launched…

June 9, 2019

¡Palestina será libre!

Otro ataque horrible a la población palestina ocurrió durante el fin de semana del 4 al 5 de mayo. Una…

May 14, 2019

WW editorial: Palestine will be free!

Another horrific attack on the Palestinian population occurred over the May 4-5 weekend. Once again, the deaths include some of…

May 7, 2019

Interview with author Susan Abulhawa: ‘Imperialism by the inch’

“Just because it doesn’t look like the exterminations we’re accustomed to seeing doesn’t make it any less genocidal,” says novelist…

April 18, 2019

The illegal occupation of Syrian Golan

March 25 -- With a tweet and an executive order, the Trump administration has further isolated itself globally by reversing…

March 27, 2019