
Israel’s denial of vaccines to Palestinians = genocide

Matthias Kennes is a registered nurse who works with Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) COVID-19 response in Hebron, in…

March 10, 2021

Behind Morocco’s recognition of Israel

It was a deal, pure — but not so simple. The U.S. recognized the Western Sahara — the last remaining…

December 16, 2020

In Ireland
Palestinian and Irish prisoners go on hunger strike

Issam Hijjawi-Bassalat, a Palestinian doctor and dedicated ant-imperialist, was arrested on Aug. 24 along with nine members of the Irish…

September 25, 2020

Susan Abulhawa: ‘Palestine is the test’

The following is a lightly edited transcript of a Sept. 19 talk by Palestinian novelist and Workers World Party member…

September 24, 2020

Days of Resistance for Palestine, Aug. 7-9:  A call to Palestinian people and those who demand justice

By Kathy Durkin and Betsey Piette The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has called on “all Palestinians and those who…

July 31, 2020

‘Help raise our voice’: Dialogue with Dr. Medhat Abbas, Gaza

Dr. Medhat Abbas has been director general of primary health care in Shifa Hospital and Al Aqsa in Gaza. He…

July 2, 2020

Palestinian movement scores big legal win for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in Britain

The Palestine Solidarity Committee won a legal victory for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in Britain when the country's…

May 6, 2020

Taking advantage of pandemic
Israel moves to annex more Palestinian land

Speaking to students at Tel Aviv's Bar Ilan University in November 1989, Benjamin Netanyahu, at that time the Israeli deputy…

May 5, 2020

Dire situation for Palestinian prisoners

The following remarks were given by Palestinian author and activist Susan Abulhawa during a Workers World Party webinar,“Free Them All:…

April 13, 2020

A voice from Occupied Gaza – a WW interview

The following WW interview was conducted by WW Managing Editor Monica Moorehead via Facebook Messenger on April 2 with a…

April 2, 2020