Occupy Wall Street

Wisconsin workers mobilize to stop ‘right-to-work’ billWisconsin workers mobilize to stop ‘right-to-work’ bill

Wisconsin workers mobilize to stop ‘right-to-work’ bill

Poor and working people throughout Wisconsin began mobilizing to defeat an anti-worker bill just after they heard right-wing Wisconsin state…

February 28, 2015
‘Young workers are key to fighting poverty wages’‘Young workers are key to fighting poverty wages’

‘Young workers are key to fighting poverty wages’

Cavanaugh is a low-wage worker in Rockford, Ill., and a national leader of Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST, fightimperialism.org). He…

August 27, 2014
Saying no to low wagesSaying no to low wages

Saying no to low wages

Activists from the People’s Power Assembly, Occu-Evolve and the Labor Outreach committee of Occupy Wall Street organized a speakout and…

December 2, 2013
Poor People‘s March for jobs, justicePoor People‘s March for jobs, justice

Poor People‘s March for jobs, justice

‘Ignite revolution Dr. King called for’ The following press statement was released by Witherspoon, president of the Baltimore chapter of…

May 7, 2013
Hit by the capitalist crisis, ‘youth globally are fighting back’Hit by the capitalist crisis, ‘youth globally are fighting back’

Hit by the capitalist crisis, ‘youth globally are fighting back’

  Following is a talk by Ben Carroll of the Durham, N.C., branch of Workers World Party to WWP’s National…

December 21, 2012
Organize for people’s powerOrganize for people’s power

Organize for people’s power

  Excerpts from the Nov. 17 talk given by Larry Hales, WW contributing editor and People’s Power Assemblies Movement organizer,…

December 7, 2012

Where we stand on the election

Workers World says don’t look to the capitalist elections to bring about any of the changes that workers, oppressed peoples,…

October 15, 2012
OWS free university welcomes radical ideasOWS free university welcomes radical ideas

OWS free university welcomes radical ideas

In the week following Occupy Wall Street’s one-year anniversary demonstration, occupiers convened a “free university” in Madison Square Park in…

September 29, 2012

Forum marks Occupy Wall Street one-year anniversary

On Sept. 21, the New York Branch of Workers World Party held a forum to celebrate the one-year anniversary of…

September 27, 2012
DNC street protests hit corporate polluter, demand freedom for Cuban FiveDNC street protests hit corporate polluter, demand freedom for Cuban Five

DNC street protests hit corporate polluter, demand freedom for Cuban Five

Downtown Charlotte, N.C., home to the national headquarters of Bank of America and regional headquarters of Wells Fargo, was buzzing…

September 12, 2012