Northwestern University

Federal gov’t: ‘College athletes don’t deserve rights’Federal gov’t: ‘College athletes don’t deserve rights’

Federal gov’t: ‘College athletes don’t deserve rights’

Nearly a year and a half after the regional director of the National Labor Relations Board declared that Northwestern University…

August 29, 2015

Federal gov’t ‘employs’ immigrants in slave labor detention

Yet another example of the urgent need for the anti-mass-incarceration movement to unite with the immigrant rights struggle was highlighted…

May 29, 2014
Northwestern football players can unionizeNorthwestern football players can unionize

Northwestern football players can unionize

In a move that could change the rights of many of the 420,000 NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) athletes, the…

April 18, 2014

Ruling says university football players are workers, can form union

The following is an abridged version of “The Northwestern University Football Union and the NCAA’s Death Spiral” written by Dave…

March 30, 2014