New York

On the picket line

Sign NYC transit workers’ petition A massive turnout of New York City transit workers and their supporters on Oct. 29,…

December 14, 2013

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 25

Working-class marriage under capitalism In setting the stage for an examination of working-class marriage in the epoch of capitalist society,…

December 13, 2013

New York protesters slam de Blasio’s choice to head NYPD

Dec. 9 — People came out on a day’s notice in freezing weather to protest New York Mayor-elect Bill de…

December 11, 2013

Unions join fast food workers in coast-to-coast actions

By Deirdre Griswold and Kathy Durkin Dec. 5 — The coast-to-coast movement to raise the minimum wage to $15 an…

December 10, 2013

Workers demand $15-an-hour minimum wage

Unions join fast food workers in coast-to-coast actions Dec. 5 — The coast-to-coast movement to raise the minimum wage to…

December 5, 2013

Dec. 7 & 9: ‘Free Mumia’ activities

On the 32nd year of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s wrongful incarceration, a press conference is set for noon on Dec. 9 in…

December 4, 2013

A new global revolutionary workers’ movement in the making

There is a new workers’ movement developing. It’s bold and it has revolutionary potential from the point of view of…

December 2, 2013

Lessons of the Kennedy assassination

  From a WWP Conference talk by Secretariat member Deirdre Griswold. Fifty years after the assassination of President Kennedy, the…

November 21, 2013

WWP Conference grapples with strategies to overturn dead-end capitalism

Workers. Youth. Detroit. Boston. These are now in the forefront of the consciousness of many of the political activists who…

November 20, 2013

Young people say: ‘Fight back! Build people’s power’

By Andy Katz and Ben Carroll New York Young people from across the U.S. mobilized to attend the Workers World…

November 20, 2013