New York

Four years after devastating earthquake, Haitians get nothing but imperialist occupation

The horrific Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake in Haiti caused building collapses in Port-au-Prince and its suburbs that killed at least…

January 14, 2014

Message from Lynne Stewart & Ralph Poynter: ‘The movement has persevered’

The following message was emailed on Jan. 4. To the International Movement to Free Lynne Stewart: We are elated to…

January 9, 2014

Solidarity protests in several cities: ‘We see our future in Detroit’

Demonstrations were held on Jan. 3 and 4 in several cities coast to coast in support of the people of…

January 8, 2014

Struggle frees people’s lawyer Lynne Stewart

New York, Jan. 1 — There she was standing, then walking slowly towards us, unshackled, without handcuffs or belly chain, and…

January 3, 2014

Another link in the chain of mass incarceration

In September 1990 — two weeks after the wrongful conviction of three defendants in the rape of a jogger in…

January 3, 2014

New York: Protesters at de Blasio inauguration slam NYPD, AIDS policies

A few dozen hearty souls from New Yorkers Against Bratton, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) and Occupy Wall Street endured frigid…

January 2, 2014

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 26

Marriage and the struggle for socialism "Revolution is necessary ... not only because the 'ruling' class cannot be overthrown in…

January 2, 2014

Brooklyn, N.Y., workers fight to save hospital

In spite of freezing temperature and strong winds, Long Island College Hospital workers and supporters had a militant noon rally…

December 20, 2013

Civil rights for people with disabilities

This article is based on a talk given by Chediac in New York City at the 2013 Workers World national…

December 20, 2013

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 26

Marriage and the struggle for socialism "Revolution is necessary ... not only because the 'ruling' class cannot be overthrown in…

December 18, 2013