New York

NYC transit offers higher fares, more racism

On Oct. 15, New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority announced the fourth round of fare hikes in four years. During that…

October 17, 2012

Central Park 5 case: Justice still denied

It has been nine years since the Central Park 5 filed federal Civil Rights lawsuits against the city of New…

October 14, 2012

Midwest protests Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

Some 75 housing rights activists from Chicago, Detroit and Minneapolis demonstrated in front of the Chicago regional office of Fannie…

September 22, 2012

New York cops shoot 10 during morning rush hour

New York — On Aug. 24, two New York police officers turned what by all accounts was a targeted killing by…

September 2, 2012

New Yorkers rally for paid sick time

A rally at New York’s City Hall on Aug. 22 demanded paid sick time for workers at small businesses in…

September 2, 2012

1962 and 2012 – two trips to Monroe, N.C.

Monroe, N.C. — What has changed? What has remained the same? That’s what we asked ourselves as the four of us…

August 29, 2012

New York mobilizes for RNC & DNC protests

New York — Representatives from the New York metropolitan region met on Aug. 1 to forge plans to demonstrate at the…

August 13, 2012

LIBOR: How big banks conspired to cheat the people

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney went to London to attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games. But that wasn’t…

August 1, 2012

Solidarity rally for locked-out Con Ed workers

New York - The campaign in the labor movement to build strong solidarity with the locked-out Con Edison workers had…

July 25, 2012

Union defends locked-out Con Ed workers

New York — Con Edison, the utility company that supplies electricity, gas and steam to New York City and Westchester…

July 18, 2012