New York

Washington’s economic war on Cuba

How long could the U.S. government ratchet up the economic war against the Cuban Revolution in every corner of the…

January 1, 2013

NYC struggle over racist subway ads

New York — When the far-right blogger Pamela Geller collaborated with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in September to run a series…

December 19, 2012

Reviving a global revolutionary perspective

Excerpts from the Nov. 17 talk given by Larry Holmes, WWP First Secretary and Secretariat member, at the Workers World…

December 7, 2012

Organize for people’s power

  Excerpts from the Nov. 17 talk given by Larry Hales, WW contributing editor and People’s Power Assemblies Movement organizer,…

December 7, 2012

On the ground with Occupy Sandy

Letter to the editor As part of a delegation from Workers World Party and the People’s Power Assembly movement, I…

November 16, 2012

Workers World Party stands in full solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine

The following statement will be read at the opening session of the Workers World Party conference in New York on…

November 16, 2012

NYC Transit workers want to be paid

A 2011 study from Columbia University estimated that it would take several weeks, or longer, for the New York City…

November 16, 2012

New York’s railroad tunnels flooded for first time in a century

By a railroad worker Hurricane Sandy and capitalist disorganization have devastated railroads and transit lines serving New York and New…

November 5, 2012

NYC Mayor Bloomberg talks big, but made little infrastructure progress

New York — At a news conference in 2009, New York City billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg stated that “planning for…

November 4, 2012

Life without water in New York City’s towers

New York — The 650,000 Con Edison customers in lower Manhattan without power don’t have water either unless they have hooked…

November 4, 2012