New York

No attack on Syria!

Sept. 2 — Anti-war, anti-imperialist and Syrian-American organizations inside the U.S. all see the coming week as the last chance…

September 3, 2013

Aug. 28 protest to demand an end to racial profiling, stop-and-frisk in New York

Aug. 27 — The People’s Power Assembly Movement held a press conference on the steps of New York’s City Hall…

August 27, 2013

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 14

For women, the agricultural revolution was a counterrevolution How, in the view of 19th-century anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan, did early…

August 21, 2013

Attack on public education hurts test scores

The results have come in for a New York statewide test aligned with the Common Core, a new and more…

August 15, 2013

Hands off Tawana Brawley

U.S. capitalism can’t function without racism. The not-guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin case has shone a gigantic spotlight on…

August 14, 2013

A message from Lynne Stewart to all of us

The following letter was issued on Aug. 1 by political prisoner Lynne Stewart, who is suffering from breast cancer and…

August 6, 2013

Central Park 5: Merry-go-round for justice

For the umpteenth time, another “Central Park 5” court hearing/status conference was adjourned on July 23. Again, the Manhattan courtroom…

August 4, 2013

On the picket line

Raise the federal minimum wage NOW! On July 24, during a national day of action in more than 30 cities,…

August 1, 2013

In Brooklyn, N.Y., hospital workers lead struggle to save healthcare

In an ongoing struggle to stop the closing of four hospitals in Brooklyn, N.Y., a protest was held July 15…

July 22, 2013

Historic same-sex victory: Joy, challenges

On Christopher Street in New York City, the Stonewall Inn opened early on the morning of June 26. At this…

July 2, 2013