New York Times

On the Picket LineOn the Picket Line

On the Picket Line

New union wants to raise up Southern workers A new generation of labor activists has formed the Union of Southern…

December 15, 2022
China, aumento de salarios y militancia obreraChina, aumento de salarios y militancia obrera

China, aumento de salarios y militancia obrera

Los salarios de las/os trabajadores en EUA se han estancado desde 1970 en términos de poder adquisitivo. Es de conocimiento…

August 4, 2015
China, rising wages and worker militancyChina, rising wages and worker militancy

China, rising wages and worker militancy

Workers' wages in the United States have been stagnant since the 1970s in terms of purchasing power. It is common…

July 21, 2015
Rape culture and Rolling StoneRape culture and Rolling Stone

Rape culture and Rolling Stone

With just the title of his article, a Washington Post writer has unwittingly spoken volumes about the issue of rape…

June 28, 2015
We are at war — elections, austerity and U.S. militarism’s impact on SpainWe are at war — elections, austerity and U.S. militarism’s impact on Spain

We are at war — elections, austerity and U.S. militarism’s impact on Spain

By Ángeles Maestro The writer is a leader of the political organization Red Roja (Red Network), a communist organization active…

June 25, 2015
Texas laws threaten access to abortionTexas laws threaten access to abortion

Texas laws threaten access to abortion

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on June 9 upheld two of the strictest, most unscientific and…

June 18, 2015
On the picket lineOn the picket line

On the picket line

Thousands protest N.J. pension fund cuts Some 4,000 members of the Communications Workers and other public sector unions turned out…

June 11, 2015
World wide pressure to stop the murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal by medical neglectWorld wide pressure to stop the murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal by medical neglect

World wide pressure to stop the murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal by medical neglect

Philadelphia --  Intensive worldwide efforts have been ramped up to raise awareness of the dire health crisis facing Mumia Abu-Jamal since…

May 4, 2015
Cuba shows Black Lives MatterCuba shows Black Lives Matter

Cuba shows Black Lives Matter

On March 31 in Washington, D.C., the U.S. and Cuba held the first meeting on the topic of human rights.…

April 8, 2015
Will big companies make billions off a warmer Arctic?Will big companies make billions off a warmer Arctic?

Will big companies make billions off a warmer Arctic?

Anchorage, Alaska -- Summer temperatures in Alaska have increased by 5 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 30 years, while median…

March 17, 2015