New York City

Marchers demand $15 an hour, pay McDonald’s a visit

More than 200 activists, including many low-wage workers, marched on March 15 throughout the Herald Square area of New York…

March 18, 2014

March 15: March for $15 minimum wage

The People’s Assembly Movement in New York City issued the following media release on March 13: This Saturday, March 15,…

March 14, 2014

On the picket line

Huge wage theft in port trucking industry The National Employment Law Project issued a report Feb. 19 that revealed what…

March 7, 2014

Memorial set for Milton Vera

A loving tribute to the late Puerto Rican revolutionary, Milton Vera, will be held on Sat., March 15, at the…

March 1, 2014

Memoir of a midwife delivers wisdom, wit

Ellen Cohen, who delivered 1,400 babies over nearly three decades, has written an engaging, poignant memoir, “Laboring: Stories of a…

February 28, 2014

Dave Schechter remembered

Dave Schechter had two great loves in his life. One was his class: the workers and oppressed. This led him…

February 28, 2014

Juanita Starr Doares

Juanita Ann Starr Doares, a fighter for people’s rights, and against racism and injustice, died on Dec. 11. She was…

January 16, 2014

Civil rights for people with disabilities

This article is based on a talk given by Chediac in New York City at the 2013 Workers World national…

December 20, 2013

De Blasio and New York workers

The multinational working class of New York City — who seemed to have been submerged as a political factor during…

November 14, 2013

Boston Solidarity Day: Reinstate fired bus union leaders!

Nov. 9 — Solidarity Day for the Boston School Bus Union 5 drew hundreds of drivers from Steelworkers Local 8751,…

November 13, 2013