New York City

Women’s March 2020

The 2020 Women’s March is happening Saturday, Jan. 18. The slogan for this year’s intersectional, international protest is “Women’s Rights…

January 10, 2020

Rising struggle lifts pay, rights

Low-wage workers are winning big victories in their continuing struggle to raise wages and strengthen rights for those in the…

September 1, 2015

Cleveland Black Lives Convening: ‘One of the best experiences of my life’

Imani Henry, an organizer of the People’s Power Assembly, attended the Movement for Black Lives National Convening at Cleveland State…

August 3, 2015

Workers distressed as infrastructure crumbles

From July 20 to 25, there was only one day when New Jersey Transit's service to Penn Station in New…

August 2, 2015

$15 per hour, what’s next?

From coast to coast, momentum continues to build behind the struggle of low-wage workers fighting for $15 per hour and…

July 28, 2015

NYC: luxury housing abounds while 60,000 homeless

Community and immigrant organizations joined rank-and-file construction union members and church groups for a protest of some 500 people July…

July 20, 2015

Celebrate the Cuban Revolution and support Workers World!

On July 26, 1953, revolutionaries stormed the Moncada Barracks in Santiago, Cuba. Less than six years later, Fidel and his…

July 19, 2015

Massive people’s march July 25 in Newark

A major demonstration in Newark, N.J., on July 25 -- called the Million People’s March Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice…

July 14, 2015

Protests challenge deportation of Haitians

July 1 saw protests in Miami, Philadelphia and New York City against the Dominican Republic’s policy of deporting Dominicans of…

July 8, 2015

Another Black youth lost to racism

Another mother has lost her child to the racist, brutal prison system. Kalief Browder, an African American who was only…

June 21, 2015