New York City

In defense of peoples’ power

Part 4: Capitalism profits from guns, war & reaction Violence and defense against violence are life-and-death social questions for those…

January 3, 2013
Still suffering from SandyStill suffering from Sandy

Still suffering from Sandy

Thousands of people living in New York City’s Far Rockaway and Staten Island areas are still without heat, hot water…

December 19, 2012
Community award to Rosa Maria de la TorreCommunity award to Rosa Maria de la Torre

Community award to Rosa Maria de la Torre

Rosa Maria de la Torre, program coordinator of the Chelsea Housing Group at Hudson Guild in New York City since…

December 16, 2012

Hurricane Sandy, climate change and capitalist crisis

A crisis arising out of a major natural disaster tends to reveal a society’s strengths and weaknesses, values and priorities,…

November 8, 2012
NYC Mayor Bloomberg talks big, but made little infrastructure progressNYC Mayor Bloomberg talks big, but made little infrastructure progress

NYC Mayor Bloomberg talks big, but made little infrastructure progress

New York — At a news conference in 2009, New York City billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg stated that “planning for…

November 4, 2012
Police brutality: An all-too-familiar storyPolice brutality: An all-too-familiar story

Police brutality: An all-too-familiar story

A 22-year-old man looking toward the future has his life taken from him in a split second by a police…

October 11, 2012
Riders & transit workers protest anti-Muslim subway adsRiders & transit workers protest anti-Muslim subway ads

Riders & transit workers protest anti-Muslim subway ads

New York — The capitalist media waged a frenzied war campaign against Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejahd while the United Nations…

October 3, 2012

New York cops shoot 10 during morning rush hour

New York — On Aug. 24, two New York police officers turned what by all accounts was a targeted killing by…

September 2, 2012