New Jersey

On the picket lineOn the picket line

On the picket line

Detroit casino win  As of Dec. 2, all 4,700 striking union members at three Detroit casinos will be back on…

December 8, 2023
Jollibee workers and supporters demand a living wageJollibee workers and supporters demand a living wage

Jollibee workers and supporters demand a living wage

Jersey City, New Jersey It was a rare scene when an estimated 100 people rallied at the Journal Square, Jersey…

July 10, 2023
Statue honoring Harriet Tubman unveiled in Newark, New JerseyStatue honoring Harriet Tubman unveiled in Newark, New Jersey

Statue honoring Harriet Tubman unveiled in Newark, New Jersey

The unveiling of a monument honoring the legacy of the great Black abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, took place in the Black-majority…

March 16, 2023
Hoboken, New Jersey, rally defends abortionHoboken, New Jersey, rally defends abortion

Hoboken, New Jersey, rally defends abortion

Over 100 people rallied in Hoboken, New Jersey, May 26 in support of right to abortion and reproductive justice. “We…

June 2, 2022
Palestine’s flag waves in Jersey CityPalestine’s flag waves in Jersey City

Palestine’s flag waves in Jersey City

  On Nov. 15, the flag of Palestine waved in front of Jersey City’s City Hall, an important first step…

November 19, 2021
New Jersey says no to U.S. blockade of CubaNew Jersey says no to U.S. blockade of Cuba

New Jersey says no to U.S. blockade of Cuba

A “New Jersey in Solidarity with Cuba and Against U.S. Imperialism” demonstration was held Aug. 11 at One Gateway Center…

August 25, 2021
Fracking banned in Delaware River BasinFracking banned in Delaware River Basin

Fracking banned in Delaware River Basin

In a historic ruling, the Delaware River Basin Commission voted Feb. 25 to permanently ban fracking (hydraulic fracturing) for natural…

March 2, 2021
Huelgas de hambre en tres cárceles de Nueva JerseyHuelgas de hambre en tres cárceles de Nueva Jersey

Huelgas de hambre en tres cárceles de Nueva Jersey

Las sucias condiciones, el encarcelamiento indefinido y la escalada de infecciones por COVID han desencadenado huelgas de hambre desesperadas en…

January 15, 2021
Hunger strikes at three New Jersey prisonsHunger strikes at three New Jersey prisons

Hunger strikes at three New Jersey prisons

The filthy conditions, indefinite incarceration and escalating COVID infections have touched off desperate hunger strikes at three New Jersey county…

January 7, 2021
New Jersey releases 2,261 – but to what?New Jersey releases 2,261 – but to what?

New Jersey releases 2,261 – but to what?

The State of New Jersey released 2,261 incarcerated workers from its state prisons on Nov. 4. This largest single-day release…

November 12, 2020