NATO maneuvers

Pentagon mania 1992: Bush disowns but won’t denounce plan for world domination

The following article by then chairperson of Workers World Party was first published in Workers World on March 19, 1992.…

April 13, 2022

A Black Liberation Movement Forces joint statement on Ukraine

Dismantle NATO Now!  Rescind the $16 billion U.S. allocations sent to support the war in Ukraine!  U.S. imperialism is the…

April 7, 2022

Rally for peace in Europe

Cleveland Cleveland antiwar activists gathered at a city park April 2 for a “Rally for peace in Europe.” Speakers represented…

April 6, 2022

NATO’s global history of reaction

The U.S.-commanded military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – NATO, was founded April 4, 1949. Its initials describe…

April 4, 2022

El mundo quiere la paz, Biden amenaza con la guerra

29 de marzo - Encuestas recientes muestran que la mayoría de la gente en Estados Unidos teme que la crisis…

April 4, 2022

Western imperialism faces its weaknesses

By Manuel Raposo March 28 The author is editor of the Portuguese web magazine, Translation: John Catalinotto. The G7…

April 1, 2022

La guerra en Ucrania y sus efectos en América Latina y el Caribe

Por Carlos Mauricio Ferolla y Marcelo Depieri  (OBSAL – Observatorio de Coyuntura de América Latina y el Caribe del Instituto…

April 1, 2022

Latest U.S. ‘war for oil’ fuels global warming

Is the U.S./NATO-instigated war with Russia, taking place on the battlefield of Ukraine, yet another “war for oil” — or…

March 30, 2022

World wants peace, Biden threatens war

March 29 — Recent polls show that a majority of people in the U.S. fear that the current crisis might…

March 29, 2022

South Bronx coalition holds first antiwar action

Bronx, New York, March 26 Today Bronx residents rallied in the Mott Haven/Melrose neighborhood in the South Bronx. Their goal…

March 29, 2022