NATO maneuvers

U.S. backs Bani Walid’s destruction

Despite reports that chemical weapons were used against the civilian population of Bani Walid in Libya, the U.S. State Department…

October 31, 2012

Puppets use chemical weapons against Bani Walid, Libya

Supporters of Bani Walid’s people demonstrated outside the General National Congress parliament in Tripoli, Libya, on Oct. 21 calling for…

October 26, 2012

Libya becomes focus of U.S. election

One year since the brutal assassination of former Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi, the Republican Party is using Libya’s political…

October 22, 2012

Protests condemn U.S./NATO wars and wars at home

The 11th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was not forgotten by anti-imperialist activists inside the United States. From…

October 14, 2012

Turkey uses false pretext to attack Syria

Mortar fire on the Turkish-Syria border — likely a provocation by Syrian rebels or at most an accident — has…

October 14, 2012

No imperialist, racist wars!

WORKERS WORLD STATEMENT We commend all who rally and march on the Oct. 5-7 weekend to resist the imperialist war…

October 3, 2012

Attack on NATO airbase blow to Afghan occupation

“I think we are on track!” in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta cheerily told reporters on Sept. 21. But the…

September 27, 2012

Afghan resistance grows

Cold comes early to the villages of the Alingar district in Laghman province in Afghanistan. To heat their houses and…

September 20, 2012

Republicans, Democrats & Benghazi

The crisis spawned by the killing of the U.S. ambassador, two ex-Navy Seals and another U.S. official in Benghazi has…

September 19, 2012

Protest in Germany defends Syria, hits NATO

On Sept. 1, a broad coalition of people from German, Syrian and Turkish progressive and patriotic groups in Frankfurt, Germany,…

September 10, 2012