NATO maneuvers

Libyan rebels and imperialist court battle over Gadhafi’s son

A disagreement between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the current Libyan government highlights the crises that have worsened during…

June 4, 2013

Two steps closer to a U.S. war on Syria

Syria’s counterrevolutionary opposition has taken a step that moves it even closer to U.S. imperialism. At the same time, the…

March 22, 2013

Syrian army, militias battle reactionary ‘rebels’

Some recent reports in the Western corporate media put the number killed in nearly two years of fighting in Syria…

January 25, 2013

Opposition grows to Iraqi regime

As part of the decade-long NATO war and occupation in Iraq, led by the U.S., the imperialists conducted a campaign to…

January 22, 2013

Mass march protests murder of Kurdish women leaders in Paris

Tens of thousands of Kurds demonstrated in Paris on Jan. 12 following the murder of three women activists of the…

January 20, 2013

U.S. troops set up on Syrian border

The first contingent of up to 400 U.S. troops arrived in Turkey on Jan. 4 according to the Pentagon. (…

January 13, 2013

The International Action Center’s first two decades: A beacon of struggle for the world’s anti-imperialists

Since the International Action Center originated in 1992 out of two small rooms in former Attorney General Ramsey Clark’s law…

January 9, 2013

Anti-war group calls for vigilance as battle for Syria continues

The United National Anti-war Coalition has called upon anti-war activists across the United States to be vigilant against the growing…

January 7, 2013

Syria, Egypt & imperialism

If you’re reading this editorial, you probably don’t believe that when cops invade poor Black or Latino/a neighborhoods, they do…

December 16, 2012

‘Yugoslav Tribunal’ in hands of organized crime

The following is from an editorial by Werner Pirker in the German daily newspaper, Junge Welt, Nov. 30, translated by…

December 7, 2012