NATO maneuvers

End war in Ukraine!

Washington backs bombing on Russian border June 8 -- Ukraine’s far-right government, backed by Washington, launched a new military offensive…

June 9, 2015

Mass protest confronts G7 summit

Like medieval lords plotting against an impending peasant revolt after a bad harvest, the heads of the seven most powerful…

June 9, 2015

Ukraine, NATO and history: Communists defeated Nazis in WWII

Seventy years ago, on May 8 and 9, 1945, millions all over the world gave shouts of joy and relief…

May 12, 2015

Reacting to Ukraine crisis, Generals in Germany say ‘No’ to war with Russia

This article by Peter Wolter was published in the German daily Junge Welt on May 6. The translation is by…

May 8, 2015

Italy anti-war forum denounces NATO aggression

Pisa, Italy — A new exhibition in the Blue Palace of Art on the banks of the Arno River here…

April 14, 2015

Instability in Libya and Tunisia caused by U.S., NATO

Just two days before the 59th anniversary of Tunisia’s national independence from France in 1956, gunmen took over the Bardo…

March 30, 2015

Youth’s visit to Moscow exposes U.S. imperialism’s lies about Russia

Moscow -- As I arrived at the Hotel Metropol in Moscow, directly across from the entrance to Red Square, I…

March 21, 2015

U.S. war moves in Ukraine: Watch what they do, not what they say

As activists, students and workers gather in Washington, D.C., for the “Spring Rising” anti-war mobilization March 18-21, many are probably…

March 16, 2015

A defeat for U.S./NATO-backed facists in Ukraine

The independent people's republics of Novorossiya celebrated an historic victory of the anti-fascist people's militias over U.S.-backed Ukrainian military forces…

February 24, 2015

At Russia’s border, NATO mobilizes 30,000 troops

For NATO’s defense ministers meeting in Brussels yesterday, it was “a very busy day.” After the bilateral meeting, in which…

February 13, 2015