NATO maneuvers

Anti-NATO protests in Sweden, Germany

Stockholm — More than 350 people gathered in central Stockholm on Sept. 9 to protest U.S. and other NATO participation…

September 17, 2017

New York: ‘No NATO, no Trump, U.S. out of Ukraine!’

Opponents of the U.S.-Ukraine war against the Donbass region of eastern Europe picketed in frigid weather at United Nations headquarters…

March 6, 2017

Fight Trump and fight NATO

The president-elect’s Jan. 15 press statements directed at Europe just five days before taking office have again opened the contentious…

January 22, 2017

Rainer Rupp about ‘Able Archer,’ his work in NATO headquarters, the Syrian War and the conflict with Russia

Sept. 19, 2015 In the early 1990s he was “most wanted.” The Attorney General at that time called it the…

October 16, 2015

Torture, show trials common in neocolonial Libya

A video released last week showing the beating and torture of Saadi Gadhafi is not an anomaly in contemporary Libya…

August 15, 2015

Ukraine, Donbass and the New Cold War against Russia

From a talk by Greg Butterfield at a Workers World Party forum in Los Angeles, July 23, 2015. According to…

July 31, 2015

No to NATO and AFRICOM in Spain

The following are edited excerpts from a news release from the Global Platform Against War, which organizes across the Spanish…

July 9, 2015

U.S.-NATO steps up military threats on Russia’s borders

Following a symbolic vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on June 10 to ban support for Ukraine’s fascist Azov…

July 7, 2015

We are at war — elections, austerity and U.S. militarism’s impact on Spain

By Ángeles Maestro The writer is a leader of the political organization Red Roja (Red Network), a communist organization active…

June 25, 2015

NATO launches the Trident war exercises, threatens Russia, Africa and Middle East

This article by Manlio Dinucci appeared in Il Manifesto on June 16. We republish it here with the author’s permission.…

June 18, 2015