Mumia Abu-Jamal

Richie Havens

Taken from a May 1 audio column at With a voice that seemed equal parts grit and sand, Richie…

May 17, 2013

‘Long Distance Revolutionary’: #1 documentary in Philadelphia

Philadelphia — In one of many milestones in the decades-long movement to free political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, the documentary film "Long…

May 7, 2013

Rallies on Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 59th birthday demand his release

Philadelphia — On April 24, in celebration of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 59th birthday, hundreds of people from several East Coast cities…

April 26, 2013

Behind Newark cancellation of ‘Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary’

In December 1981, award-winning journalist and political activist Mumia Abu-Jamal was accused of killing a Philadelphia police officer. While professing…

April 25, 2013

Protest to demand Newark theater show film on Mumia

After weeks of promotional planning, Cityplex-12, Newark’s [N.J.] only major movie theater complex, announced Thursday, April 11, that it was…

April 25, 2013

On his birthday, April 24: All out to Free Mumia!

With a rally and a community organizing meeting planned for the anniversary of his 59th birthday, supporters of political prisoner Mumia…

April 1, 2013

An insightful documentary on Mumia Abu-Jamal

An important film documentary about the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal premiered in New York City on Feb. 1. “Long Distance…

February 13, 2013

Conference strategizes to ‘Free Mumia’

Philadelphia — United around the goal “Mumia, Free in 4!” — meaning his release in four years — dedicated activists…

January 31, 2013

Mumia meets with parents of Alan Blueford

Mumia Abu-Jamal met with Jeralynn Blueford and Adam Blueford, the parents of Alan Blueford, when they traveled to Pennsylvania on…

November 15, 2012

Mumia Abu-Jamal on the politics of style

  Taken from an Oct. 14 audio column at It is a bit of a struggle to look at…

November 4, 2012