Mumia Abu-Jamal

A new chance to challenge murder conviction: court rejects ‘evidence-free’ effort to block Mumia appeal

By Dave Lindorff The following slightly edited article first appeared in on Dec. 22. Mumia Abu-Jamal, the prison journalist…

December 27, 2020

Barrier to Mumia’s appeal dismissed: Case can move forward

Philadelphia A significant roadblock to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal of his unjust 1982 murder conviction was removed on Dec. 16, when…

December 17, 2020

Mumia Abu-Jamal on:  Lessons from the first abolition movement

This article is part of Abolition for the People, a series brought to you by a partnership between Kaepernick Publishing…

December 4, 2020

‘Accelerate our efforts’ to free Mumia

By Angela Davis Professor Angela Davis, herself once a political prisoner, is a founding member of Critical Resistance, a national…

November 19, 2020

El lecho de muerte de Breonna

Su nombre, Breonna Taylor, se ha vuelto un llamado coreado y gritado en protestas, junto con los de muchas otras…

October 8, 2020

Mumia Abu-Jamal supporters respond quickly to prison hoax

When a Pennsylvania Department of Corrections spokesperson callously claimed that Mumia Abu-Jamal was being hospitalized with COVID-19 at 5 p.m.…

April 22, 2020

Office hours with Professor Abu-Jamal

“If you haven't noticed,” Mumia said to me as he leaned over and flashed me his wry grin, “I'm a…

October 13, 2019

The fight to free Mumia enters historic new phase

For decades, the movement to release African-American political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal has been on the front lines in the fight…

September 20, 2019

Mumia still in danger

Wadiya Jamal was finally allowed to visit her spouse, Mumia Abu-Jamal, on May 21. “He was in a wheelchair; his…

May 27, 2015

Problema de salud de Mumia Abu Jamal enciende acción de masas

31 de marzo - A la 1 pm  del 30 de marzo, el preso político Mumia Abu-Jamal tuvo una emergencia…

April 7, 2015