Mumia Abu-Jamal

Leslie Feinberg brings Rainbow Flags to ‘FREE MUMIA!Leslie Feinberg brings Rainbow Flags to ‘FREE MUMIA!

Leslie Feinberg brings Rainbow Flags to ‘FREE MUMIA!

Feinberg gave these remarks at the historic Free Mumia rally, Madison Square Garden, New York City, May 7, 2000. (…

June 24, 2022
Mumia Abu-Jamal: When the empire callsMumia Abu-Jamal: When the empire calls

Mumia Abu-Jamal: When the empire calls

The following message from political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal was prepared for the Workers’ Summit in Tijuana, Mexico, June 10-12, which…

June 6, 2022
Uvalde children will go down in abolitionist historyUvalde children will go down in abolitionist history

Uvalde children will go down in abolitionist history

As a member of our slavery-old abolitionist movement, I would suggest that a few elements about the Uvalde tragedy, still…

June 6, 2022
The sickness that simmers at the core of the ‘American’ soulThe sickness that simmers at the core of the ‘American’ soul

The sickness that simmers at the core of the ‘American’ soul

March 18, 2000 After several brutal anti-LGBTQ+ murders, including 21-year-old gay University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard in 1998 and…

June 2, 2022
Release Mumia now!Release Mumia now!

Release Mumia now!

Special to Workers World July 3 will mark 40 years since Black Panther Party member, activist and revolutionary journalist Mumia…

May 25, 2022
ALL STADIUMS AIN’T FULL: Pam and the Party didn’t buy ticketsALL STADIUMS AIN’T FULL: Pam and the Party didn’t buy tickets

ALL STADIUMS AIN’T FULL: Pam and the Party didn’t buy tickets

By the Underground Poet for Mumia’s 68th birthday Today we sang the National Anthem To celebrate the opening of baseball…

May 13, 2022
For Mumia on his birthdayFor Mumia on his birthday

For Mumia on his birthday

To yet another Mumia generation: Children, did you hear of a Black man called Mumia ? for 40 years he…

May 6, 2022
Otra vida, otra pérdida – un comentario de Mumia Abu-JamalOtra vida, otra pérdida – un comentario de Mumia Abu-Jamal

Otra vida, otra pérdida – un comentario de Mumia Abu-Jamal

  Vinieron a Estados Unidos para escapar las guerras inter-étnicas en la RDC, la República Democrática del Congo en África…

April 28, 2022
May Day:  A clarion call to free them all!   May Day:  A clarion call to free them all!   

May Day:  A clarion call to free them all!  

On May 1, 1886, the American Federation of Labor organized militant actions demanding the right of all workers to an…

April 22, 2022
Mumia and his mighty pebblesMumia and his mighty pebbles

Mumia and his mighty pebbles

Dear Editor: Some years back Prison Radio quoted a progressive judge as saying that we had reached: “the twilight of…

April 6, 2022