mainstream media

Workers strike big-business media for 16 weeks

For fifteen weeks, 1,800 International Electrical Workers Local 3 members have been out on strike at Charter/Spectrum Communications in the…

July 17, 2017

As U.S. rockets hit Syria, corporate media start loving warmaker Trump

Within a day of the U.S. missile strike on Syria, five major U.S. newspapers -- the New York Times, the…

April 10, 2017

Venezuela, Mexico and the media

The U.S. corporate media demonize Venezuela’s government while it prettifies the Mexican regime. Consider this: People in some Venezuelan cities…

July 1, 2016

Imperialist media spread anti-Damascus propaganda

Through December and January imperialist spokespeople blamed the Syrian government for a humanitarian crisis in the city of Madaya, about…

January 25, 2016

Exposing the media’s war fever and anti-Muslim hatred

Despite all the distractions during the holiday season, people turned out for a Los Angeles Workers World Party meeting in…

December 9, 2015

Behind the media praise for Pope Francis

At a time when the U.S. capitalist political establishment is in crisis, how comforting it must have been for virtually…

September 28, 2015

Emigration and war: Capitalist media suppress the obvious

The reports about tens of thousands of desperate refugees scrambling out of the Middle East and North Africa, trying to…

August 15, 2015

Rush to judgment: Amtrak train disaster and the media

Stephen Millies is a member of the American Train Dispatchers Association and Transportation Communications Union When Amtrak train No. 188…

May 18, 2015

Big business media criminalizes victims of police killings

To further illustrate the widespread law-enforcement abuses in Ferguson, Mo., and throughout the United States, Jeffrey Williams, charged with the…

April 2, 2015

How the corporate media profit from Israeli genocide

NBC 'witchhunts' reporters who don’t give official line An anonymous NBC producer described “a top-down intimidation campaign aimed at presenting…

August 5, 2014