Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier’s Walk to Justice rallies in D.C. for clemency

The Leonard Peltier’s Walk to Justice marched over 1,100 miles from Minneapolis to Washington, D.C. — a march to demand…

November 17, 2022

Leonard Peltier’s Walk to Justice — halfway to D.C.

Longtime political prisoner Leonard Peltier’s “Walk to Justice” has marched 500 miles in four weeks, as of Indigenous Peoples Day…

October 10, 2022

Walk for Justice: Free Leonard Peltier 

The American Indian Movement (AIM) Grand Governing Council held a rally Aug. 31 in Cedar Field Park, Minneapolis, to launch…

September 22, 2022

Free Leonard Peltier! COVID-19 inside prison

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic currently raging through the jail, prison and detention centers of this country, Leonard…

January 31, 2022

Leonard Peltier: Statement on ‘Day of Mourning’

Leonard Peltier, a leader of the American Indian Movement, was falsely framed and convicted for the killing of two FBI…

November 29, 2021

Free Leonard Peltier and all Native prisoners!

During the era of colonial theft and conquest, North America became a proving ground for European imperialists. This was where…

October 13, 2021

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee urgently needs support

The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee has launched an urgent appeal for funds to support legal efforts to free this…

February 17, 2021

Message to National Day of Mourning 2020 from Leonard Peltier

Greetings my relatives, friends, loved ones and supporters,  First of all, I want to thank you for the privilege of…

December 1, 2020

45 years after FBI frame-up, Leonard Peltier must be freed

Workers World Party demands the immediate release of political prisoner Leonard Peltier. Forty-five years after being framed by the FBI…

July 1, 2020

‘Thanksgiving’ statement from political prisoner Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier is the revered former leader of the American Indian Movement who has been behind bars on totally fabricated…

December 3, 2019