
Seattle: Workers need health care, not Trumpcare! WW commentary

Seattle March 9 -- In Washington state, there were 15 deaths from COVID-19 (coronavirus) and 79 diagnosed cases of the…

March 13, 2020

French anti-worker pension plan becomes law without a vote 

Hundreds of thousands of people have been in the streets protesting for months. Transportation strikes have disrupted travel. Public opinion…

March 12, 2020

Wayne State teachers protest mass firings

By Jamie McQuaid Detroit (Jamie McQuaid is the History Department union steward for Graduate Employees Organizing Committee-AFT Local 6123.) On…

March 5, 2020

Resolution of United Steelworkers Local 8751 in solidarity with the Massachusetts Indigenous Legislative Agenda

The resolution below was passed unanimously at the monthly membership meeting of United Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston School Bus…

February 7, 2020

Workers in France say ‘No!’ to government attack on retirement plan

In France 1.3 million workers and their supporters struck, marched and protested Jan. 24 against the Macron government's plan to…

January 30, 2020

On the picket line

‘Amazonians United Sacramento’ walk out Christmas Eve Night shift workers at Amazon’s DSM1 warehouse in Sacramento, Calif.,  celebrated Christmas with…

January 23, 2020

Poniendo la verdad tras las rejas

¿Sabía que uno de los derechos más protegidos en este país es el derecho del gobierno a mentirle a la…

January 20, 2020

San Francisco Labor Council opposes the coup in Bolivia

The following resolution was passed by unanimous vote of the San Francisco Labor Council on Jan. 13. Whereas Evo Morales,…

January 16, 2020

On the picket line

‘U.S. labor says: No war on Iran! U.S. out of Iraq’ The United Electrical Workers posted the following Jan. 3…

January 9, 2020

UAW at the crossroads

The United Auto Workers is in a serious crisis -- perhaps the biggest in its 84-year history. A federal investigation…

December 12, 2019