Labor unions

Striking warehouse workers & supporters shut down Walmart warehouse hub for day

Bulletin: As this story went to print, the 21-day strike came to an end. The striking workers at Walmart’s Elwood…

October 12, 2012

Autoworkers speak out: ‘We got a war going on’

Detroit — When you read about the auto industry in the news media, all they talk about is the “rebound” of…

September 22, 2012

On the picket line

Warehouse workers on strike in Calif., Ill. Workers at warehouses in major Walmart distribution centers in California and Illinois have…

September 22, 2012

Pizza workers hold informational picket

Palermo’s Workers Union members and supporters participate in an informational picket at a Sendik’s grocery store in Shorewood, Wis., on…

September 19, 2012

Rally backs steelworkers in West Virginia

People rallied Sept. 8 in solidarity with members of Steel Workers Local 5668 of Ravenswood, W.Va., who have been on…

September 12, 2012

South African workers’ stoppages spread

The Lonmin Platinum PLC in Marikana, South Africa, has not restarted production at the facility where 44 workers died in…

September 12, 2012

Boston-area school bus drivers: Anatomy of a union victory

Boston — The bus drivers of Eastern Bus Co. have won the right to join militant Local 8751 of the…

September 6, 2012

On the picket line

Steelworkers on strike in West Virginia When bosses at Constellium Aluminum refused to budge from a lousy five-year contract, the…

September 6, 2012

Chicago teachers seek good contract

Since the third week of August, the Chicago Teachers Union has been practicing how to conduct a strike. About a…

September 2, 2012

Unrest continues in South Africa mines after Marikana massacre

Mineworkers and their supporters have continued to express outrage at the police killing of 34 strikers and wounding of 78…

September 2, 2012