
The importance of the Kansas voteThe importance of the Kansas vote

The importance of the Kansas vote

A major victory for women and all who can become pregnant happened when Kansas voters voted NO Aug. 2 on…

August 10, 2022
160 years since ‘Bloody Kansas’/The legacy of John Brown160 years since ‘Bloody Kansas’/The legacy of John Brown

160 years since ‘Bloody Kansas’/The legacy of John Brown

May 9 marks the 220th anniversary of this great abolitionist’s birth. This article was originally published in Workers World on…

February 10, 2020

In Kansas, tax cut means austerity

The state of Kansas is running out of money in its rainy-day fund because it made huge cuts in  income…

July 28, 2014
Kansas protests hit right-wing billionairesKansas protests hit right-wing billionaires

Kansas protests hit right-wing billionaires

A rainbow of working people from across Kansas boldly confronted the extreme right-wing Americans for Prosperity group at its two…

July 18, 2013

Immigrants demand a fair Kansas policy

Kansas City, Kan. — More than 700 people and 36 organizations traveled from across the country to Kansas City on June…

July 2, 2013
Kansas protests austerityKansas protests austerity

Kansas protests austerity

Poor and working people from throughout northeastern Kansas and beyond marched and rallied in Lawrence on June 8 to protest…

June 16, 2013
Kansas unions, community speak outKansas unions, community speak out

Kansas unions, community speak out

Wichita, Kan. — At a legislative listening session on March 23 in Wichita, Kan., dozens of members from a rainbow…

March 31, 2013

Protesta contra legislación anti-inmigrante en Kansas

Por redacción de Workers World/Mundo Obrero Miembros del Sunflower Community Action, una organización comunitaria pro derechos de inmigrantes y trabajadores/as…

March 20, 2013
Protest anti-immigrant legislation in KansasProtest anti-immigrant legislation in Kansas

Protest anti-immigrant legislation in Kansas

Members of Sunflower Community Action, an immigrant and worker rights organization based in Wichita, Kan., traveled hundreds of miles round…

March 11, 2013
Kansas unions fight austerityKansas unions fight austerity

Kansas unions fight austerity

Chanting “Stand up! Fight back,” hundreds of working people and their family members throughout Kansas gathered at the state capitol…

March 3, 2013