
Mumia Abu-Jamal speaks at CCNY Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal gave the following telephone message to the City College of New York Gaza Solidarity Encampment on…

April 29, 2024

Behind repression of campus occupations – Follow the money

In December 2023, Daniel Diermeier, chancellor of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, wrote: “Universities are, by design, where we come to…

April 29, 2024

¡Manos fuera del heroico levantamiento estudiantil en solidaridad con Gaza!

¡Resistirse a la represión policial está justificado! Workers World apoya plenamente el heroico levantamiento estudiantil estadounidense que ha proliferado en…

April 29, 2024

Student organizations in the Gaza Strip in solidarity with U.S. student Intifada

The following statement was posted on Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoners Network on April 25, 2024.  Go to We, the…

April 28, 2024

SUNY BDS movement stages march on Albany for Palestine

Albany, New York Around 200 students, faculty, and activists from a variety of State University of New York schools gathered…

April 28, 2024

Final Declaration of the Rome Forum: What Future for Palestine?

The Rome Forum crowned two days of intense work on April 20-21, 2024, with the adoption of this International Declaration,…

April 28, 2024

Bipartisan backing for genocide

The movement in the U.S. that has taken on the challenge of stopping the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide against Palestine has…

April 26, 2024

Google workers: ‘No tech for Israeli apartheid’

New York — Google workers held a sit-in at their New York City workplace on April 16. They demanded the…

April 20, 2024

Popular Front condemns U.S. House of Representatives vote

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department issued the following April 17, 2024, statement on Resistance…

April 20, 2024

Palestine has the right to live and the right to fight!

The following is a statement from the Seventh Congress of the Danish Communist Party (DKP), held March 15–17, 2024, with…

April 20, 2024