International Working Women

International Working Women’s Day in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez:  “Down with patriarchy!”International Working Women’s Day in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez:  “Down with patriarchy!”

International Working Women’s Day in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez: “Down with patriarchy!”

El Paso, Texas Young “feministxs” organizers held a rally and cross-border march in El Paso on International Working Women’s Day,…

March 23, 2023
Workers World hails International Working Women’s Day!Workers World hails International Working Women’s Day!

Workers World hails International Working Women’s Day!

This is partially based on articles previously published in Workers World newspaper to commemorate International Working Women's Day. New information…

March 6, 2020
New York forum: ‘Globalize solidarity with women’New York forum: ‘Globalize solidarity with women’

New York forum: ‘Globalize solidarity with women’

New York -- Workers World Party held its annual International Working Women’s Month forum here on March 21 at the…

March 24, 2015
Rasmea Odeh’s International Working Women’s Day messageRasmea Odeh’s International Working Women’s Day message

Rasmea Odeh’s International Working Women’s Day message

Excerpts from a statement issued on March 8, four days before Odeh’s conviction in Detroit.   I’m so grateful for…

March 17, 2015
Actions planned for International Women’s DayActions planned for International Women’s Day

Actions planned for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day, March 8, became an official working-class holiday 105 years ago. Revolutionary women were inspired by a march…

March 3, 2015
Women speak on struggle, resistance & solidarityWomen speak on struggle, resistance & solidarity

Women speak on struggle, resistance & solidarity

Workers World Party sponsored an extraordinary panel of women activists at its annual International Working Women’s Month forum in New…

March 24, 2014
Int’l Women’s Day: Unity against racism, sexism, war and povertyInt’l Women’s Day: Unity against racism, sexism, war and poverty

Int’l Women’s Day: Unity against racism, sexism, war and poverty

New York — The atmosphere was electric and filled with optimism on March 8 as a dynamic march took over…

March 13, 2014